I am Dr. Giulio De Cinti, I have identified innovative Personality Profiles and developed the Interactive Hypnosis method.
Personality profiles allow: 
• to understand the type of relational problems of people
• to know oneself and others
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Interactive Hypnosis:
• allows an effective dialogue with the unconscious to identify the person's deep problems
• promotes healing
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The manuals contain the essentials
of the innovative proposals
of Dr. Giulio De Cinti
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I'm a psychologist and psychotherapist. I am a member of the Italian Society of Hypnosis. In over thirty years of research, have identified the innovative Personality Profiles that favor the understanding of the way of relating and I have developed the methodology of Interactive Hypnosis, through which it is possible to have an effective dialogue with the unconscious. Among my activities:


For me it has always been vital to experiment and do research. I think I have achieved excellent results.

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During these years I divulge my theories through seminars and conferences.

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To make my innovative proposals known, I have published several books on my profession as a psychotherapist.

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I founded the Multifactorial Psychology Association.

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Personality Profiles

Dr. Giulio De Cinti has identified innovative personality profiles that explain the possible ways of relating to others and an original structure of the person that foresees in everyone the presence of a healthy and an unhealthy personality profile.

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Interactive hypnosis

Interactive Hypnosis is an innovative way of doing hypnosis developed by Dr. Giulio De Cinti. It does not include the procedures of classical hypnosis: in fact, suggestions (not even non-verbal ones) are used either for trance induction or to relieve the patient from his problems.

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Events on Personality Profiles

The Personality Profiles and the structure of the person as identified by Dr. Giulio De Cinti will be the subject of Seminars and Conferences. The aim is to introduce the participants to recognize the healthy and unhealthy part of themselves and others.


[:it]Le iniziative riguardanti l'Ipnosi Interattiva intendono preparare i partecipanti (psicologi e psicoterapeuti) alla pratica di questa metodica così da fornire uno strumento che, insieme ad altri, risulterà utile a far prevalere in ogni paziente il profilo di personalità sano.[:en]The initiatives concerning Interactive Hypnosis intend to prepare the participants (psychologists and psychotherapists) for the practice of this method in order to provide a tool that, together with others, will be useful to make the healthy personality profile prevail in each patient.[:]


Questo corso di formazione presenta con un taglio pratico ed esperienziale: ai partecipanti verranno proposte esercitazioni in riferimento all’utilizzo della PSICOLOGIA MULTIFATTORIALE allo scopo di fornire le capacità necessarie per utilizzarla con profitto nella propria pratica clinica.


Interactive Hypnosis Events

The initiatives concerning Interactive Hypnosis intend to prepare the participants (psychologists and psychotherapists) for the practice of this method in order to provide a tool that, together with others, will be useful to make the healthy personality profile prevail in each patient.


[:it]Le iniziative riguardanti l'Ipnosi Interattiva intendono preparare i partecipanti (psicologi e psicoterapeuti) alla pratica di questa metodica così da fornire uno strumento che, insieme ad altri, risulterà utile a far prevalere in ogni paziente il profilo di personalità sano.[:en]The initiatives concerning Interactive Hypnosis intend to prepare the participants (psychologists and psychotherapists) for the practice of this method in order to provide a tool that, together with others, will be useful to make the healthy personality profile prevail in each patient.[:]


[:it]In allestimento...[:en]This specialization course aims at deep-diving into the first and second level course topics. The course, led by an experiential characteristic, aims at encouraging participants to consolidate personal well-being and acquiring the skills necessary to use Multifactorial Psychology and Interactive Hypnosis needed in their clinical practice.[:]


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