All we need to live happily is in our minds.


The final purpose

The final purpose of psychotherapy is to let the patient’s healthy side of being prevail constantly on the unhealthy one.

As we explained by illustrating the structure of the individual, everyone during their childhood found themselves living both positive and negative experiences, that led them respectively to the healthy Personality Profile and to the unhealthy one. Although they both have these Personality Profiles, the individual will always be spontaneously ready to use the one which is stronger in them.

In close correlation with the quantity and quality of positive and negative experiences during the childhood phase, the healthy or unhealthy sides can prevail more or less vividly in the individual.

Unhealthy part prevalence

The individual who has experienced, especially during their childhood, particularly difficult situations, in a more or less rigid and binding manner to habitually, will tend to use of their unhealthy personality profile. The one represented in the chart below can be, as an example, the situation in which the person is at the beginning of the psychotherapeutic journey:



rapporto tra conscio e inconscio durante la psicoterapia

The healthy part (1 and 2) here is a minority compared to the unhealthy one (3 and 4).

Healthy part prevalence

The individual who has experienced a majority of positive childhood experiences, the presence of the healthy part definitely wider and stronger, so they will allow the healthy Personality Profile to prevail on the unhealthy one, with continuity and stability. This situation can be represented, as an example, in the chart below:



Prevalanza parte sana

The healthy part (1 and 2) is wider than the unhealthy part (3 and 4).


This condition, where the healthy part prevails on the unhealthy one, will also be the one that we will try to achieve as a result of a successful psychotherapy journey.


What is the therapeutic intervention?

From this specific perspective, the distinction between healthy and unhealthy parts, rather than between conscious and unconscious, is therefore crucial.

The therapeutic intervention will not try to bring to a consciousness state what is unconscious, but in trying to weaken the unhealthy part of the individual and in trying to strengthen their healthy side, so to let the healthy one prevail on the other one.

The psychotherapy does not consist in trying to remove negative behaviors, as the symptoms need to be analyzed and resolved in trying to weaken the unhealthy personality profile of the patient treated.

Psychotherapy with Interactive Hypnosis

To reach the goal of weakening the unhealthy part of each individual, the use of the Interactive Hypnosis has been particularly important.

In fact, through Interactive Hypnosis, we have an effective dialogue with the unconscious that allows us to pinpoint the part (healthy or unhealthy) that prevails in the patient.

Furthermore, the unconscious is not limited to communicating with non-verbal signals but, properly guided by the psychotherapist, so this can help to heal the unhealthy part of the unconscious and to make the healthy part prevail on the other one.


The 5 phases of the therapeutic journey

The therapeutic path is divided, ideally and not schematically, into 5 different phases:

  1. Reception: in this phase there is the empathic listening step, which is the establishment of the therapeutic alliance and the not explicit formulation of the diagnosis, for now.
  2. “Discovery” of the healthy part: in this phase the accent is placed on which are the moments and the situations in which the patient feels to live in a well-being status.
  3. Definition of the conditioned part: in this phase we try to return to the discomfort zone to redefine it, in a more or less exhaustive way in relation to the patient’s possibilities.
  4. Disempowering of the conditioned part and strengthening the healthy part: in terms of time, this step takes the most of the psychotherapy process, as various techniques are here used: restructuring clinical interview, classical hypnosis, behavioral techniques, metaphors, relaxation techniques and, obviously, Interactive Hypnosis.
  5. Towards the prevalence of the healthy part: when the patient manages to bring the levels of strength of the healthy Personality Profile to almost the same ones of the unhealthy part, the latter tries to fight with a greater resistance to a point where the patient seems to go backwards rather than improving. We must be aware that all these difficulties are present in this process and we must keep on following the path we started until we see the results.


In the video gallery there are some videos which show how the methods of Interactive Hypnosis can be used.


Learn more

To learn more about how you can use Interactive Hypnosis during psychotherapy, the “Restoring with Interactive Hypnosis work is now available, where the theory and methods used together with a large number of illustrative cases are presented.